Leaving Things Better Than How You Came To Them
March 1, 2024
Through life, you come across others who strike a chord in you, whether with their actions, words, or both. I have enjoyed being around and working with those who find ways to serve. All have different backgrounds, but through working jobs, taking care of loved ones, and just balancing what life brings to us, they find opportunities to serve others.

Whitney Benefits Trustee
I have had the opportunity to serve our community in many ways, one of which is as a Trustee of Whitney Benefits. My first real understanding of Whitney Benefits was when I was asked to be on the Whitney Commons Advisory Board in April of 2016. Here I saw first-hand, people from across our community working together to provide a beautiful area to serve the wishes of our neighbors. Remembering the property of the old Sheridan Brewery abandoned before Whitney Commons came to be, brings to life a phrase I take to heart – leave things better than how you came to them.
Our community now has a beautiful connection between downtown, Fulmer Public Library, the HUB (senior center), YMCA, and Kendrick Park. This common area rose from Mr. Whitney’s wishes as he committed his estate with the sole focus of serving his beloved community. With the input of countless community members over the past 100 years, a significant impact has been made to seek out opportunities to leave our community in a better state. Inside Whitney Commons, our community can find reflective spaces in Dorothy King’s reflective garden or Patriot Park; active areas such as walking paths, splash gardens and youth play areas; as well as gathering spots in the amphitheater or pavilion areas. All of which are cared for and maintained with the community in mind.
This example of Whitney Commons is particularly meaningful to me as it is such an impactful visual of what good intentions can do in a community. What starts with good intentions quickly grows to actions as individuals step up to shoulder ideas and get to work. This is enjoyable work because we are surrounded by others who show by example what we can accomplish together. Whitney Benefits has provided me with opportunities to serve our community and to work with others who share this desire to leave our community in a better state. There is a lot of good in our community and many opportunities to serve and better what we touch. Thank you to all who serve, as I see the good in our community and am grateful.
Brandi Bilyeu
Whitney Benefits Trustee