September 22, 2024
Fall 2024
Our country was created by volunteers who gave so much of themselves to pursue freedom. It has always been a principal foundation of mine that we owe those who came before us, and those who will come after us, to volunteer our time to ensure our freedoms continue. Should we not, we risk all that has been provided for us by those who have done so.
It has been my honor and my privilege to serve our community in many ways over the years. This includes 25 years on the Board of Whitney Benefits as well as previous service on the Sheridan City Council, Sheridan County School District #2 Board, Wyoming Association of Municipalities, and the Sheridan Area Water System – Joint Powers Board amongst others. I have sought out ways to fulfill my duty of service to my community and know that I’m not alone in doing so.
In the real estate profession, I’ve had the opportunity to talk with numerous people who look to make a home here. One of the first things I share is how charitable the people, businesses, and foundations are in our area. We enjoy many amenities that larger cities and towns do not due to this generosity. It is truly incredible what we accomplish when we work together.

I would like to sincerely thank those who volunteer for any cause, serve on boards, and hold public office for their time and efforts to improve our community. A special thank you to and prayers for the men and women of our armed forces, law enforcement, firefighters, and all other first responders who keep us safe. These individuals go above and beyond in serving our community, often at great personal cost.
We are blessed to live here. I urge everyone to serve in whatever capacity they are able. While your interests and skills may differ, I have no doubt you can find an area to serve that aligns with your own expertise. Be kind, considerate to all, and treat others as you wish to be treated. We accomplish much more together than apart!
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country,” John F. Kennedy.
Tom Belus
Whitney Benefits Vice President